Our interview with Lolli Sorenson: young talented actress, who’s now debuting on the big screen with “Arizona” at the Sundance Film Festival in the Midnight Competition.
She is very young, but she does very well know what she wants! Brie Larson and Bryce Dallas Howard are her inspirations and she would love to be the lead female character in a Black Mirror episode!
She stars in “Arizona” darkly comedy about a single mom and struggling realtor whose life goes off the rails when she witnesses a murder.
The film premieres at the Sundance Film Festival marking Lolli’s debut at the Indie Festival.

If you could describe your film Arizona in just one word, what would it be? What was your first reaction when you found out that the film would premiere at the Sundance Film Festival?
I would have to use the word ‘fierce’. The comedy in the movie is ruthless and so is the drama aspect. I was so excited I was going to be able to represent this film at Sundance, especially at such a young age. I’m so grateful for this opportunity and I’m thrilled to see the story come to life.
How did you prepare to play Morgan? And more in general what’s your approach when you first start preparing for a new role?
I connected with Morgan from the beginning. Morgan is dealing with the divorce of her parents along with typical teenage insecurities before Sonny even enters the Fowler’s lives. I definitely utilized my pre-teen insecurities to help me portray Morgan. When I first start preparing for a new role, I typically investigate the relationships the character has with the people they are closest to.
What are the actors and actresses that inspire you the most?
Brie Larson and Bryce Dallas Howard are two actresses that inspire me. I love how much dedication they have in each role they portray. And of course, I look up to Rosemarie [DeWitt] and Danny [McBride], they both are so real and I’m so glad I was able to work with them both.
The best acting-related advice you have received so far?
Honestly, the best advice ever given to me was just to let go. Don’t get in your head in audition rooms, just do the best work you can possibly do and leave it in the room. If something great comes out of it, that’s even better.
Must have on set: A big blanket that I can walk around with when there are early call times.
Superpower: Invisibility. I want to know what people are saying when I leave the room and I could pretend I was a ghost and mess with people.
Epic fail on the job: Throwing up on set (yes, it has happened). Luckily, I had the BEST crew ever that was so nice and loving. I even had someone from the wardrobe department holding up my hair. It was very embarrassing but now it’s a good story.
Happy place: Either on set or eating Subway with my friends.
Favorite accent: British.
Favorite Movie and YouTube Channel: “Room” is my favorite movie because Brie is a bada** and this may seem weird, but I don’t really watch YouTube.

Favorite Word: I honestly don’t have a favorite word. And if I’m being honest, I think my favorite word is honestly.
Favorite Emoji: When in doubt, the duck emoji.
If we say Italy: Pizza.
Favorite quote: “Turn your wounds into wisdom”.
The last series you binge-watched: Black Mirror is the greatest television invention ever. My favorite episodes are Nosedive and Crocodile.

Your Dream Character to Play: I want to play a strong female lead in a Black Mirror episode. It would be great if Brie Larson would join me.
The most beautiful thing while filming Arizona: At 3am, Rosemarie and I were waiting for the crew to set up the next shot and we laid on the desert ground and looked at the stars. I’ll never forget that.
Ops! Break Time:
Sweets or Popcorn? Sweets
Since we are Italian… Hawaiian pizza, yay or nay? Nay, I like pizza with pesto.