Stella Egitto is a hurricane of energy and smiles, but she is also an actress who knows how to live life with the right balance between lightness and responsibility, bringing on screen strong and free characters, just like herself. We followed Stella by the sea and, between a run on the beach and a pick up of shells, she told us about her world, her work and a rainbow to reach.
Acting for me is…
The art of being able to give a body, soul and voice to infinite stories and infinitely different from my personal one. It is a journey to the points of connection between me and the character that I will play as much as the distances that separate us, and both the affinities and the distances must be filled with adherence and heart.
The character you liked to play the most so far?
There are two women that I keep in my heart: my Teresa from Pif’s “At War for Love” and my Rosaria from “Malarazza” by Giovanni Virgilio. They are two very different characters, but they are also two women united by that strength that turns a struggling woman into a creature.

“The art of being able to give a body, soul and voice to infinite stories and infinitely different from my personal one.”

What character would you love to play?
This question is right on time because I will begin very soon to shoot two films, so different from each other, which will allow me to play two characters with stories that I had never met before. I will go from a “romantic” character in the post-war southern Italy, who will discover and accompany her great love to the discovery of a strong political conscience, to a girl who works in a ditch and who dreams of animating a parallel world, a creature that uses empathy as her gaze on the world. I’ve got a bit of a healthy anxiety and I can’t wait to measure myself with these two new trials.

The best advice you’ve received so far in your career?
Be yourself.
Your motto as a #girlboss?
“You’ll never find a rainbow if you’re looking down.”
Speaking about fashion instead, what’s your style?
Someone says that I’m a gipsy chic. This makes me smile because any definition embarrasses me a little bit. I love summer and I try to make this season stay on my skin as much as possible. I love to dare, as much as much I love the concept “less is more,” it depends on how I feel.

What’s your skincare routine?
I like to take care of myself. I prefer natural products but I also love some timeless products from historical brands. Eye-liner and lots of mascara always, removing make-up with an oily base and masks at least once a week. During summer instead, sunscreen.
What are your makeup must-haves?
Eye-liner and mascara, always. And, when the tan goes off, a cherry lipstick.

What’s your book on the nightstand?
“The invincible summer” by Albert Camus.
Your must-have on set.
My toothbrush and the script, always with me.

I would love to travel to the future, having nostalgia of the present and going back to the past.
Favorite movie then and now.
“Titanic” when I was a child for a simple reason: LEONARDO DI CAPRIO. My favorite movie today is “Le Tout Nouveau Testament.“
What’s your Rêve?
Having the right time to dwell on the world.

“I would love to travel to the future,
having nostalgia of the present
and going back to the past.”

Photos by Johnny Carrano.
Follow Stella Egitto.
Thanks to Factory4pr.
Total Look: Red Valentino.
Hair and MakeUp: Concetta Argondizzo.
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