Rajni Jacques is Allure‘s Fashion Director.
Rajni Jacques was one of the faces of the Glossier campaign, Generation G.
Rajni Jacques has an unforgettable style that makes her one of the figures in the world of fashion to watch and follow.
Rajni Jacques is the maman of Diego and Lucienne.
Rajni Jacques is a woman of unmistakable beauty and of whom we wanted to know little secrets, starting from that beautiful red lipstick that is her signature.
What’s your earliest beauty memory?
My earliest beauty memory would have to be with my mother. She was and is very simple when it comes to beauty. She’s all about organic products like avocado and eggs in the hair as well as castor oil for the face, only after washing it with ivory soap. Everything was home-based, meaning all products used were in the refrigerator. Oh and I can’t forget how she would use corn meal to exfoliate the skin!
What’s the first thing you do when you wake up and the last thing you do before bed?
The first thing I do when I wake up is brush my teeth. When it comes to beauty or skincare, I don’t do anything until I go into the shower. The first thing I do is exfoliate and wash my skin. When I go to sleep, it’s more of a routine: I wash my face, I put eye creams on and oil and serums on my face and neck. I try to hydrate my skin as much as I possibly can. I definitely pamper my skin more at night than I do in the morning. The routine is very much the same, but it changes depending on the time of the year.

“My earliest beauty memory would have to be with my mother.“

You are the Fashion Director of Allure, so you’re always in contact with a lot of people that work in the industry. Have you ever learned any beauty secret over these years that you can spill out to us?
I don’t know if I would call them secrets, but I’ve definitely learned some things to help preserve your skin. Use SPF always is one of them. I was one of those people who used to think, “Oh, because I’m black and I’m dark I don’t necessarily need SPF all the time,” but that’s obviously not true. I need to preserve my skin and protect it from the sun.
I also learned how to put makeup on just with my fingers. Very simple ways to brighten your face without looking like the contour queen! I want to wake up, take a shower, do what I have to do, wear makeup and not have the makeup take me years to put on. I want to be quick and easy and look very natural.

“I also learned how to put makeup on just with my fingers.”

What’s your go-to makeup look?
I like a clean face. A bit of tinted moisturizer, a little blush on my cheekbones, mascara and sculpture my brows with boy brow. What dresses my face up is red lipstick. I always carry it around.

“What dresses my face up is red lipstick. I always carry it around.”

What’s the meaning of “feeling comfortable in your own skin” for you?
I’m very comfortable in my skin but there are things I’m still working on. I’m grateful for what I’ve been given. Being comfortable for me means not constantly comparing myself to others.
What makes you laugh the most?
Diego, my son, he’s really funny and very boisterous. My daughter, Lucienne makes me laugh too because she has a temper and is very demanding. Also, my husband is pretty funny as well.

Bath or shower?
On a daily, shower, but I do love a good bath. A bath is just relaxing. I prefer a bath, but I mostly take showers.
What’s your favorite hair styling product?
I use this product from Dr. Miracle’s called Follicle Healer Crème that you massage into your hair and it makes your hair feel good. Your scalp gets tingly!

What’s your favorite fragrance?
Hmmm. One of them doesn’t really have a smell, but it works with your pheromones, so it creates the smell. I also love Bvlgari fragrance… I adore.

Do you have a jet-lag beauty cure?
When I get to my destination, the first thing I do is take a nice bath. I take a hot towel and put it in on my face and just lay there.
What do you have too many of?
I have too many shoes. But I did give a lot away and sold some too. I also have too many red lipsticks and too many jeans 🙂

“…too many shoes…too many red lipsticks, and too many jeans.”

What was your first beauty product or fashion item obsession?
When I was younger, I would collect sneakers. I am shoe fanatic. Beauty-wise, I remember there was this lip gloss called Bonne Bell. Then I became obsessed with a makeup brand called Wet ’n’ Wild. They had a pink lipstick that was my go-to.
What’s the bravest thing you have ever done?
Childbirth. Giving birth to my two loves.

What would you love to see more and more of these days in the fashion and beauty world?
For fashion, I’d love to see fashion to be a little more lax. Meaning that designers have to create so many collections a year, which I believe sometimes hinders their creativity. Being able to breathe a little more in between collections would let designers have time to create something meaningful to them. When you create something that you’ve had enough time to work on, it makes it better.
Also more inclusivity and diversity, but I want it to be genuine. A lot of people/companies are trying to be inclusive and diverse, but a lot are doing it to seem progressive. It seems like a trend…not part of their DNA.
Diversity and inclusivity are buzzwords that seem like a marketing scheme sometimes.
What advice would you give to your younger self, entering the world of fashion and beauty?
I remember my mom would always say, “love the skin that you’re in as of right now,” because as you get older, you’re going to look back and be like, “what was I complaining about?” To be in that moment, and to love what you have at that moment in time and not always trying to change it, or trying to do better, and by that, I don’t mean trying to do better in the world, but trying to more “fit,” because of what’s happening around you. My mom meant that the older I got, and I would look back at those times and be like, “I was so mad about my hips” or whatever, so I would say to myself something like, “you’re going to wish that you had that, but you should live in the moment.”
What’s your beauty epic fail, if you’ve had one?
I’m sure I’ve had plenty. But the cool thing about epic fails is that they give you your success dose. If you’re not going to fail at something, you’re not going to get to the good. I know I’ve had tons of makeup fails, you know, when you look back and you’re like, “Wow, what was I thinking?” or fashion-wise, “why was I wearing that?” but at the same times, those are pillars for you to look back and think, “oh my gosh, I’ve grown so much, this is where I am now,” so epic fails are always good because they lead to epic success, I guess.

“Be in that moment, and to love what you have.”

Photos by Johnny Carrano.
Follow Rajni Jacques here.