Minimalism, purity, essence.
These are just some keywords to describe the aesthetics and photos of photographer Xenia Offwhite: in a triumph of white and beige, Xenia embodies all the beauty of simplicity, the individual and unique one (with all its imperfections) that characterizes us. To emphasize this kind of beauty even through makeup, Xenia likes to keep it basic, with liquid textures, beige shades, and blush. Between an essential but complete beauty routine, a laugh due to “guest star” Walter, and the path that led her to self-acceptance (also moving to Italy alone at the age of 18), Xenia reminded us that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
And that, once you accept this awareness, you can do anything, even move mountains.
What’s your first beauty memory?
My first beauty memory is my mom in the bathroom giving herself a face massage. 20 years ago, it wasn’t as popular as it is today, but she’s always been a pioneer beauty-wise. I’ve always thought that, as an adult, I would have had as many products as she had, but then I’ve become a minimalist, which is a whole different story.
What’s the first product that touches your skin in the morning?
I wish I could answer ice, which sounds cooler, but it is a cleanser! To clean your skin the right way is the most important part of skincare, I believe. And only after that, I do my morning routine starting with skin icing.
What makes you stay in bed?
Morning cuddles with Walter, my doggy, if you’ve seen the video, you’ve certainly met him because he followed me around for the whole interview.

What makes you get out of bed instead?
Breakfast (which is my favorite meal of the day) and, if I have some new beauty product, the curiosity to try it (it’s an obsession!).

What was your first beauty obsession?
Something awful, blue kajal only, every day, I was 14. I looked like a witch. Everyone told me I looked terrible, but I felt like I was on top of the world. Now I can’t look at the pictures of myself from that period.
What’s your favorite texture when it comes to makeup?
I like liquid products. A nice, lightweight, brightening base, blush, one of my favorites is NARS Organism (the liquid formula), highlighter by Marc Jacobs, and I’m good to go.
What’s the “craziest” makeup experiment you’ve ever done?
Blue eyeliner, that’s my peak. I’m quite basic when it comes to makeup, even though I love to see the artistic experiments on the other girls, but on my face, I like 50 shades of beige.

“On my face, I like 50 shades of beige.”

As a photographer, how do you capture beauty?
To quote Oscar Wilde, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Ten years ago, people from the field of photography taught me to recognize beauty in everything: in the looks, in the movements, in the smiles. When I was in my first year of the Academy of Photography, they told me, “there’s no such thing as non-photogenic people, but there are non-skilled photographers.” I like to photograph people from “the inside,” I guess it’s my superpower.
What does “feeling comfortable in your own skin” mean for you?
My skin is my safe place. What helps me always keep it in its best shape is drinking a lot of water, sports, and the Gua Sha massage. This routine is essential to me.
What’s your relationship with color?
Makeup-wise, I’m very boring, as I said before, my peak is blue eyeliner. As for clothes, I like to experiment sometimes, even though I almost always stay faithful to neutral colors.

How do you take care of yourself?
For me, practicing sports is a way of taking care of myself because it makes me feel good both on a physical and mental level. I like having my beauty nights (like I used to do with my mom and my sister when we still lived in Moscow) where I take some time for myself: a bath with a nice book, face masks, and manicure. I usually do that on Sundays.
Your favorite combination of face masks.
My all-time favorites: the purifying charcoal face mask by The Body Shop and then the hydrating mask by Embryolisse.

“I like having my beauty nights (like I used to do with my mom and my sister when we still lived in Moscow) where I take some time for myself: a bath with a nice book, face masks, and manicure.”

Your favorite combination of face masks.
My all-time favorites: the purifying charcoal face mask by The Body Shop and then the hydrating mask by Embryolisse.
What’s the product on your nightstand?
Regenerating balm by Green Dust, lip treat by Evolve Organic, and coconut oil.
What beauty products would we find in your bag?
There’s always a lip gloss, no matter what!
The latest product to which you said “yes” and the latest one to which you said “no.”
Chanel Les Beiges Bronzing Cream, that’s a big YES, I think it’s amazing; I said NO to the manuka honey face mask by Antipodes. I had high hopes in their products, but then I tried three products by their brand and I didn’t like any of those.

What are your currently favorite makeup brands? Or the ones you find yourself using the most?
I’ve always been happy with the products by Chanel and Lancôme because they’re top-quality and reliable products. However, I don’t like the fact that they’re not completely cruelty-free. For this reason, I’m currently looking for new brands that don’t test their products on animals while guaranteeing the same quality level. Hourglass has really caught my attention, their products are cruelty-free, and they don’t sell their stuff where it’s mandatory by law to test products on animals (like in China, for example), so I’m soon going to test their products.
The book on your nightstand.
I’ve just finished reading “Flowers for Algernon” by Daniel Keyes. It’s one of the most beautiful books I’ve ever read, one of those to read all in one.

“I’m currently looking for new brands that don’t test their products on animals while guaranteeing the same quality level.”

Which product is on top of your wish-list?
Byredo Bal d’Afrique, I’m a huge Byredo fan, but with Bal d’Afrique they’ve really outdone themselves. It will certainly be my next purchase.
You have too many of…
For me, though, “too many” means three. I only keep the things that I really use, I hate shelves filled with things that I don’t eventually use.

What’s your total relax routine?
Face mask, a nice mint tea, and a good book. And obviously, little Walter sleeping next to me.
What’s the skincare product you could never go without?
Cleanser and moisturizer. My skin tends to get dry, especially in winter, and I like super-hydrating moisturizers. The “greasier” it is, the better, especially at night. .

Over the past year, we’ve had a lot of time to think: if you could invent a makeup product that still isn’t on the market, what would it be?
Makeup-wise, the market is rather saturated, so I can’t think of a product I would want and that doesn’t already exist. Fashion-wise, instead, I couldn’t say so. I’ve already mentioned several times that I’m about to launch my own clothing brand and I can’t wait to tell you more about it.
The beauty world is also connected to mental health. What are the things you see that drive you mad/you would like to change?
I’m against those Instagram filters that change your facial features, and I don’t like those that smooth your skin too much. I think it’s a wrong message that only causes insecurities. It’s normal to have flaws, it’s normal to have pimples, it’s normal not to be perfect, perfection doesn’t exist. We’re all different and unique, and this is the most beautiful thing in the world.

“It’s normal to have flaws, it’s normal to have pimples, it’s normal not to be perfect, perfection doesn’t exist.“

What’s the latest thing that made you smile?
It’s hard to remember because I smile very often, but Walter is certainly one of the sponsors of my smiles.
What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?
I moved to Italy. On my own, when I was 18. The first year, I suffered a lot for being so far away from my family because I’m really close to my sister and my mom, but for some reason, it felt right. In fact, a few months after I’d moved, I met the love of my life, and that’s when I understood why it was worth trying.

What’s your favorite body lotion?
Body Balm by Aesop, I love their fragrances, especially Orange, Pink Grapefruit, and Lemon. I love all of their products, in general.
When is it that you feel the most self-confident?
Actually, I always feel self-confident, both when I have perfect makeup on with a nice outfit, and when I’m in my pajamas, working on my couch. This is the result of the hard work I’ve done on myself over many years, and now I’m thankful for all the meditation and yoga that I’ve done.
Once you accept your body, with all its flaws, and stop comparing yourself with the other girls, you feel like you could move mountains!

Photos & Video by Johnny Carrano.
Follow Xenia here.