We own three homes:
The first one is our body, through which we approach the world and other people.
The second home, according to Aveda’s philosophy, is the people we love, without whom everything we do becomes irrelevant.
The third one is our Planet.
A unique and unrepeatable Planet, made of resources like air, water, earth, plant species, and animal species that too often we give for granted. A Planet that needs to be respected and safeguarded because protecting the balance of nature is a responsibility that’s on each of us. And it’s important, today more than ever, with a world that’s so worn out in terms of resources, to inform, to self-educate, to question yourself, and take into account the consequences that, in the long run, your actions can have on the environment. Therefore, safeguarding means making an effort to improve the life conditions of each of us, while respecting our Planet and its inhabitants.

The month of April, specifically April 22nd, serves to remind us of all of this.
Since 1970, in fact, on April 22nd we’ve been celebrating Earth Day, which commemorates the environment and its safeguarding, which has been extended, over time, to the whole month, nowadays known as Earth Month.
In this period, we highlight the most current environmental issues, raise public awareness, analyze today’s scenarios, and propose concrete solutions for the future, trying to lower our environmental footprint.
As any market, facing more and more global and inclusive moments, even the world of beauty every year is mobilized with a series of planet-friendly initiatives and, right on the occasion of 2023 Earth Month, The Italian Rêve has had the opportunity to take a closer look at the #Da5A50 campaign for Earth Month launched by the haircare brand Aveda in collaboration with Oxfam Italia, aiming at delivering clean water to the poorest and most vulnerable communities in the Planet, hurt by conflicts, draughts, and calamities.

For those who don’t know it, Oxfam is a global movement fighting inequality, canceling the injustice of poverty, and saving lives in humanitarian emergencies, besides engaging with local communities in sustainable development activities and proposing responsible lifestyles, meeting the needs of consumers and of the environment.

This year, as well, Oxfam, a world leader in bringing water and sanitary facilities in emergency scenarios (which last year helped 15,6 million people in the world, 7,8 million of whom were rescued with clean water, sanitary facilities, food, and shelters) joins Aveda in raising awareness and collecting funds to help bring clean water all over the world and protect it on a local level thanks to the annual Earth Month campaign. Since1999, Aveda has, in fact, collected over 67 million dollars for hundreds of environmental organizations, on a local and global level, which helped bring clean water to more than 1,4 people and protected 2 thousand water basins.

“From 5 to 50 liters, the fundamental help from everyone to bring clean water in the most severe humanitarian emergencies of our time”.
Therefore, the haircare brand renovates once again its effort in providing more access to clean water, developing a collaboration that will continue throughout 2023, with many initiatives aimed at bringing 5 million liters of water to those who need it the most.
Thanks to Aveda’s support, in fact, the #DA5A50 campaign will tenfold the amount of available water for those who live in areas affected by indescribable crises, guaranteeing from 5 to 50 liters per person, to drink, cook, and wash up.

In today’s world, after all, 1 in 4 people doesn’t have clean water, as any source of safe water to clean or wash up is available to them, while even 1 in 2 people doesn’t have any adequate sanitary facilities, thus risking contracting deathly illnesses.
Just think that every year water shortage kills about 830 thousand people, who are therefore forced to drink and wash up with dirty or contaminated water, which causes 800 children under 5 to get sick every day.

One of the most serious emergencies? Siria.
Right now, Sirian people are suffering the devastating consequences of the February 6th earthquake: 4,500 victims and over 8,500 wounded. All of this after a 12-year war.
In cities like Aleppo, people are forced to live in temporary centers like mosques, schools, sports centers, parks, or even cemeteries, where there’s no clean water, food, blankets, or medicines. This exponentially increases the risk of new epidemics.
In a Country where, even before the earthquake, 90% of people used to live below the poverty line, after the earthquake, 2 in 3 people depend on humanitarian support to survive and over 11 million have no access to clean, running water.

How can we support Earth Month by Aveda and Oxfam Italia?
With a minimum contribution amount in the participating Aveda Hair Salons;
With a free donation through this dedicated link: https://www.oxfamitalia.org/aveda2023/

Together, we can take part in the revolution.

Thanks to Palazzo Santamarina.