Ten years after, eighteen movies after, finally
“Avengers: Infinity War”!
And does everything but fail. Gripping, entertaining, exciting, heartbreaking, but especially brave. “Avengers: Infinity War” is the Marvel Studios’ trial of strenght, that have probably created their best movie in the highest moment of their evolution.
Avengers: Infinity War
Behind and in Front of the Camera
For the first time, we don’t find Joss Whedon behind the camera of an Avengers’ movie but two of the most promising directors of the new generation of entertainment cinema revolutionized by Marvel Studios: the Russo brothers.
After their cooperation in two of the best “post-Friends” era comedies, “Arrested Development” and “Community”, Anthony and Joe Russo have been chosen to direct the last two Captain America’s episodes, “The Winter Soldier” and “Civil War”, and then got to direct the most highly anticipated movie of all times.
A decade-long path, whose course is being tracked since 2013 and which, since then, all the Marvel movies have been following to get to destination: Avengers, Assemble!
The cast is, in fact, one of the most amazing ever, gathering all the stars collected in the various cinecomics, and naming them kind of feels like being on the Hollywood Walk of Fame: Robert Downey Jr., Don Cheadle, Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Scarlett Johansson, Benedict Cumberbatch, Josh Brolin, Karen Gillian, Elizabeth Olsen, Tom Holland, Chadwick Boseman, Idris Elba, Paul Bettany, Benicio Del Toro, Gwyneth Paltrow, Peter Dinklage and really many others!
Who’s Got the Typewriter
Captain America’s team has been maintained in charge of “Avengers: Infinity War”, with the Russo brothers at work with the screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, authors of all the three Captain America and of the second chapter of the God of thunder “Thor: The Dark World.”
And the two directors and the two screenwriters are also going to handle the fourth Avengers movie, still without a title and coming out in a year: can’t break up a good team!

“Avengers: Infinity War” arrives after “Black Panther” and “Thor: Ragnarok”, and these two movies are exactly the closest ones to the beginning of the events told in the new Avengers chapter.
As you would expect, the central figure of the film is Thanos, who for the first time collides directly with our heroes. Presenting himself as the best super-villain of the whole MCU, an exceptional Josh Brolin introduces us also a surprising emotional side hidden inside the devourer of worlds (someone had to take over for Galactus!).
For their part, the Avengers, disbanded after the Civil War and now split up all over the world, must get together for facing the greatest threat ever, and you can’t perceive the difficulty of managing such a wide ensemble thanks to the flawless job of the above-mentioned four great specialists.
Obviously, everything binds perfectly to the previous movies, linking them till the first Avengers and with the battle against the Chitauri that had deeply marked Tony Stark, AKA Iron Man.
“Avengers: Infinity War”, with its 149’, succeeds in bringing together all the work from the Marvel Studios’ from 2008 until now, but leaving the story more open than you’d expect, creating one last peak of suspense and hype that will get to conclusion in May 2019, with the fourth Avengers movie, still untitled.

What You’ll Need
Far more than the others movies, “Avengers: Infinity War” remains true to the comic-book, “The Infinity Gauntlet”, so go watch the movie after reading the marvellous arc by Jim Starlin, which gives the opportunity to enjoy even more the great movie by the Russo brothers, finding all the quotes and the “classic” references.
Aside from that, obviously, it’s highly recommended to rewatch all the movies that had created the MCU, all the bricks of the widest cinematographic universe ever, with a greater attention to the so-called “Phase Three”: “Captain America: Civil War” (2016), “Doctor Strange” (2016), “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2” (2017), “Spider-Man: Homecoming” (2017), “Thor: Ragnarok” (2017) and “Black Panther” (2018).
What They Say
Chris Hemsworth (Thor): “The first day was what you’ve seen on the trailers, it was Thor meeting Guardians of the Galaxy, and it felt like kind of first day at school for me because they all knew each other and I didn’t. I was a new kid and I had some weird sort of nervous butterflies floating around my body, but Chris Pratt gave me a big hug and all the butterflies flew into my ears.
I felt like a fan and meeting a lot of these people and the characters that I’d watched on screen and admired and so to be on screen with him as Thor but also as Chris…I was pretty damn excited.”
Kevin Feige (the big boss of the Marvel Studios): “In the behind-the-scene videos you can see the giant omnibus of the Infinity Gauntlet with all sorts of dog-eared pages and post-its in there from moments, and after everybody sees the movie we can talk more specifically about what those moments were. Most of them were surrounding Mr. Brolin’s Thanos portrayal that came directly from Jim Starlin’s work.”

One Last Thing…
As usual, you better not stand up until the very end of the screening, both for watching the traditional post-credits scene that paves the way for the future, and for enjoying the final suite of Master Alan Silvestri, who is back to the original score of the Avengers, improving his previous works with the Earth’s mightiest heroes, and rightfully joining the scores that made Hollywood’s history. Trust me!
Out of 5 Monkeys