Dunia, Noemi, Federica and Chiara, Giulia, Giulia, Letizia, Cinzia and Eleonora, Bogdana, Clementina and Inès, Ines, Marta, Annalisa, and Malak.
Taba Skincare, Hot&Vintage, Twins and Shout, Pink Pampas, Coquillage Jewellery, La Merceria Chiari, Atelier Bebè, Manifest, Clemi’s, Les Izmoor, Festina Lente, Belt’s Amore, and Shalla Moroccan Furniture.
13 women, 13 emerging brands, one place: the #GRLSFest, the event organized by GRLS dedicated to women’s empowerment. The startup, founded by women for women, with the aim of creating a community to encourage collaboration, training, and connection between women in different fields and between different realities/personalities for a pinker future (and world), met on the weekend of 26th-27th February at Al Cortile, Milan, to have a unique moment of meeting, training, and fun. In a natural setting and under a sun that seemed to herald spring, we got to know the girls of this incredible community and to take part in the different events. From this occasion, we came out with a strong awareness: the future is in safe hands. But above all, the future is female.

#GRLSFest: Loogbook
On Saturday at lunchtime, we walked the internal street hidden behind a big wooden door in Viale Col Di Lana to get to the court of the #GRLSFest. Here, the girls and young women “committed to changing the status quo,” as their t-shirt says, introduced us to the many pop-ups, all brand-new and creative in their own way. Our eyes were captured by the different banquets and we would have liked to buy everything, but even more, we were fascinated by the stories and voices of the women behind these realities. We fell in love with all of them, but we will talk about it later. Meanwhile, people arrived and a certain kind of energy could be felt in the air: a desire to communicate, meet new people, and find things or find oneself simply, was palpable. Between one thing and another, the evening approached.
This #GRLSClub of women who had found themselves chatting and collaborating, or rather to create a network, reached its peak at dinner time, when 8 thematic tables were set: fashion, sustainability, architecture, beauty, marketing, wellness, business, tech. There, we sat, ate, drank, talked, laughed. And, speaking of laughter, Giada Biaggi was the frosting on the cake, with her stand-up comedy show named “Daddy Issues.” Between one thing and another, the evening approached.

Sunday was all about activities: it started in the morning with two lessons devoted to psychophysical well-being, which is as important as work and training. We got to deeply breathe in and breathe out during a Vinyasa Yoga lesson with Miriam Sanguineti; after that, we discovered the points where our energies converge thanks to the Tibetan Bells session with Denise Baschirotto, Founder of WellOne. Between one thing and another, brunch-time approached.
In the afternoon, the yoga mats disappeared, substituted by a corner all dedicated to panel talks focusing on 4 topics as different from each other as they are fundamental to mastering the world around us and what will come. Moderated by Sofia Pierina Bettio, the afternoon started with “Financial Education,” with Ami from @pecuniami and Anna from Gimme5app. We then moved on to “Startup & Business” with Lisa Iannello, founder of This Unique, and Francesca Ternullo of AWS. Next came the panel dedicated to “Crypto & NFT” with Marina Backova and Alice Bergagnin. And, last but not least, a good dose of “Self Development” with Marta Mondelli. Between one thing and another, the end of it all approached.

#GRLSFest and Girlbosses: the Protagonists
As we’ve already mentioned, we’ve fallen in love with all these women, with all the founders, entrepreneurs, and dreamers we met, with whom we stopped to chat and learn more about their projects. Dunia from Taba Skincare told us about the calming properties of CBD and genderless skincare, a topic more current than ever. Noemi from Hot&Vintage showed us how she enhances femininity and the harmony of shapes through her fragrant candles. The twins Federica and Chiara Corti from Twins and Shout made us rediscover the pleasure of a colorful table and joy with their placemats. Giulia Patuelli treasured Latin American inspirations in creating Pink Pampas, a brand of decors that safeguards and enhances the beauty of Mexican craftsmanship (with a pop touch we’re crazy about). Giulia from Coquillage Jewellery is the one we have long loved for her timeless and elegant jewels, and who has stolen our hearts once again. Letizia from La Merceria Chiari showed us the trendiest hair accessories of the moment (all strictly handmade).

There were Cinzia and Eleonora from Atelier Bebè, a mother and daughter united by the passion for making handmade accessories for children, and for doing well above all. Then we met Bogdana from Manifest, the coolest nail sticker brand on social media, an idea as simple as it is appealing. There were Clementina and Inès Makula, who with Clemi’s offered organic granola, healthy and rich in taste (bonus point to their mascot, the dog Taxi). We met Ines from Les Izmoor, which with the values of sustainability and simplicity, dresses women in a sophisticated way. There was the sparkling Marta from Festina Lente, with her handmade candles and aromas (you should really meet her, trust us). There was Annalisa from Belt’s Amore, the belt brand for it-girls who look for a quality product. And there was Malak from Shalla Moroccan Furniture, a girl who with a dazzling smile told us about her collection of home décor that celebrates the Moroccan tradition. All of them showed us their worlds, all to be discovered, all to be loved. That’s where female empowerment lies, in the strength and values of women like them who support each other. And they deserve so much, because, as Giulia told us: “We’ve believed in ourselves.” With the right amount of “fear for life,” always.