A dream: Being a model.
An accident: a new opportunity.
A mantra: turning imperfections into strength.
A name: Nina Rima.
When you meet eighteen-year-old Nina Rima, the first thing you notice is her sincere smile, typical of a warrior who has been able to face the difficulties of life with the strength and the grit of those who want to live every moment and opportunity at their fullest, without losing any moment or emotion.
The story of Nina became a source of inspiration for her 71 K followers, who write to her for advice on how to accept their body and flaws. Related to this, she told us something about diversity on the occasion of the relaunch of Darphin Paris, for which she is an ambassador, stressing the importance of knowing how to flaunt your unique traits and to turn them into a unique and personal vehicle through which you can shine on every occasion.
Between a question about her skincare routine and one on how perfection is actually an illusory concept, Nina Rima made us understand the importance of always feeling beautiful, regardless the alleged flaws or obstacles that attempted to block us on the way: because in order to be free to do what you really want, you have to learn how to love yourself for what you are first.

Can you tell us about your story, how did you get here and what are the biggest challenges you’ve met so far?
My story is the one of a child who had a perfect childhood, but who soon had to deal with reality and realized that, in fact, perfection does not exist. At the age of 13 years old, I followed an unusual path compared to the other teens of my same age. I had to learn how to figure my way out, while when I was 17 I was involved in an unfortunate accident in which I almost lost my life, and I realized that not only the perfect family does not exist, there is no perfection in beauty either.
Your dream was to become a model: what is now your big dream, where do you want to go?
I don’t know; I have so many dreams. The first has always been to become a model or to be a known name, to have a story, something to say and positive messages to share with people.

“I realized that not only the perfect family does not exist, there is no perfection in beauty either.”

“To have a story, something to say and positive messages to share with people.”

How is your relationship with beauty?
When I was a child, I always watched while my sister was putting her makeup on, and my passion for beauty began there.
How important is, in your opinion, to have a good skincare routine?
I think it’s crucial because all the effort and time we spend on our skin will pay off with visible results sooner or later.

You are a bomb of positive energy: what message would you like to give to all the girls who have problems accepting themselves, their bodies, living their own skin?
I believe that our flaws are really unique traits that make us special, that differentiate us from others, that make us feel unique. The message that I can give you is to turn them into a strength, to enhance them. As for the skin flaws, with a good beauty and skincare routine, you can always improve.
What does “Feeling beautiful” means to you?
To me to feel beautiful means to feel comfortable with our own skin and enhancing our flaws, as I do with my prosthesis for example.

What do you like the most about beauty?
I am fascinated by the diversity of beauty.
In one of your recent Instagram posts you wrote, “I keep on believing that diversity is synonymous of wealth.” What kind of diversity would you like to see in beauty today?
I don’t know what kind of diversity I would like to see nowadays, or what it could be, but I like people who are different: I like those who dare, both in life and in beauty.

“I like those who dare, both in life and in beauty.”

Through social media, you have the power to share important messages: what is the message you want to convey to your followers?
I often hear that we are all the same, but I don’t agree because we are not all the same and this is our own form of beauty. We must not fear diversity, we must not be frightened by this word and by our being ourselves, from our inner self. On the contrary, we should feel unique.

“We must not fear diversity, we must not be frightened by this word and by our being ourselves.”

“We should feel unique.”

Do you have a woman who inspires you, in your life?
I have never had any reference points when I was a child, so for me finding one today it is difficult, I certainly like women who don’t need a husband to be fulfilled.
What’s the thing you like the most about yourself?
I like my ability to adapt and the stubbornness that leads me to always get what I want.